Over indulged on your holiday?

Sun, sea, sand, adventure, good food and drink, thats what holidays are made of! Time spent outside in the fresh air relaxing with our friends and families (as much as you can with children!) can be so good for the body and soul offering a break from the norm and a chance to explore pastures new. 


However we all know how carried away we can get with overindulging in the local food and alcohol and before we know it the pounds have crept on.

Worry not, the damage can be minimised and you can set yourself back on track within days. Follow the steps below to feel more energetic, lighter and for your clothes to not fit so snuggly!

  1. Don't panic - Its tempting to think "oh well I am never going to lose the weight". Now you are back home, fill your basket with wholesome healthy foods on your first food shop. Limit processed foods, especially those containing sugar, refined vegetable oil and processed highly refined carbs such as pasta and crackers.

  2. Exercise everyday for at least 20 minutes - A combination of both cardio and resistance exercise is crucial to burn body fat and tone up at the same time.

  3. Up your water - Ensure you are drinking enough pure water daily as flying and drinking alcohol all dehydrate the body. Every cell in your body requires water and it also helps with weight loss and increasing energy.

  4. Get in those zzz's - Flying through timezones or enjoying long summer evenings can mean less sleep. Sleep is a time for the body to repair and again can make a big difference to energy and when trying to lose weight.

  5. Try this meal plan below for the next 5 days:

  • Key principles are:

    • 3 x meals a day

    • No snacks between meals

    • Meals made up of steamed and or raw vegetables and salad, a source of protein and a source of healthy fat. (No potatoes, rice, pasta etc.)

  • Breakfast example:

    • Pea, onion and spinach omelette cooked in butter or coconut oil

  • Lunch example:

    • Avocado, lettuce, cucumber, radishes, celery with turkey slices (fresh from the deli is possible)

  • Dinner example:

    • Homemade chicken and vegetable curry (made with spices and coconut milk) served with cauliflower rice

For more information and if you would like the help of a personal trainer please contact Red Hot Personal Training for an initial consultation. Don't forget to subscribe to receive our free blogs. 

Eating out this weekend? You must read this...

With a little bit of knowledge and preparation a meal out can be turned from an unhealthy culinary splurge mostly consisting of impulse driven choices into a healthy and enjoyable meal that leaves you without that bloated, uncomfortable fullness and that post sugar rush from a sugar laden dessert.

An occasional meal out may not cause much of a problem, however if you regularly opt to dine in restaurants or eat ready prepared food out the following tips may be of help to you:

1. Look ahead at the menu.  If you have time, select your choices before you go, looking at the online menu etc, will give you time to make healthier choices in advance.

2. Choose your protein source first. Always choose the protein that will make up the bulk of your meal.  For example chicken , steak, fish etc and then fill up on vegetables to accompany that choice.

3. Ask that no bread be brought to your table before the meal.  Filling up on bread prior to a meal will only add to that bloated feeling later on and leave little room for the healthy protein and vegetables that should form the bulk of your meal.

4. Ask for half portions of carb heavy starches such as potatoes, chips, rice etc. Again, this will help avoid that heavy fullness at the end of the meal and allow more room for the vitamin and mineral rich vegetables.

5. Ask for dressings and sauces to be on the side. A healthy salad can be turned into a sugar laden plate if its drenched in unhealthy dressings.  If the sauces and dressings are on the side you can be the one to decide how much you will add to your food.

6. Opt out of the fried-on-the-side options. These deep fried options cooked in unhealthy vegetable oils are one of the most unhealthy options, so go for those simple options instead that are not fried. 

7. Eat a healthy protein rich snack 1 hour before you go out. Half an apple with some almond nut butter should help curve those cravings and impulse decisions.

8. Skip the sugar laden fizzy drinks or fruit juices. Yes even the so called healthy 'fruit juice' options can be full of sugar.  Go for sparkling water with lemon and lime slices instead.

If you have any tips of your own we would love to hear them.  

Quick and easy breakfast idea

This is for those of you who miss breakfast as you have little time or for those wanting to try something a little different.  The perfect combination of coconut cream, chia seeds and a few other healthy ingredients makes for a fantastic satisfying breakfast that should leave you full until lunch time.

The night before simply combine all the ingredients into a glass jar or dish and chill overnight.  Wake up to a tasty ready-to-go breakfast straight from your fridge! Enjoy :) x

  • 1 small can of Coconut Cream
  • 2 tbs Chia Seeds
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp Natural Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tsp Raw honey to taste (optional)
  • 2 tbs Walnuts (Chopped)
  • 1 tsp dark chocolate (finely grated on top of mixture)

Got 1 more minute to spare in the morning? Try adding 1 small handful of blueberries or raspberries or even 1/2 chopped banana for a real fruity kick!

Top 5 Foods to Buy Organic

Switching to a diet that is mainly organic can be pricey but many would argue worth every penny.    The benefits of organic food go well beyond just taste. 

Many studies have illustrated the greater antioxidant levels and drastically lower levels of pesticides and heavy metals contained in organic food.  The very chemicals that may lead to ill health and a toxic build up within our bodies. Organic food is also far better for the environment and animal welfare.

However switching to a fully organic lifestyle is well beyond most peoples reach.  Many clients of Red Hot Personal Training ask which foods would be the most beneficial to change to organic?  So we thought we would detail our 'Top 5 foods to buy organic'

  1. Milk - Organic milk contains higher quantities of healthy Omega-3, Vitamin E and Beta-carotene than regular milk and does not contain fertility hormones, pesticides or unnecessary antibiotics.
  2. Soft Fruit - Such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries are a wonderful addition to your daily diet containing many health boosting properties. However, non organic fruits with soft skins can absorb the pesticides that they are sprayed with and prove difficult to wash off.  
  3. Eggs - Organic eggs are a fantastic source of protein and vitamins.  The wonderful yellowy-orange egg yolk produced by free range and organically reared chickens is packed full of goodness. However, non organic eggs may contain pesticide residue through their feed which ultimately ends up on your plate.
  4. Bread - As a nation we love our bread so it makes sense that something we eat so regularly is switched to a healthier loaf.  Again, organic bread contains far less pesticide residues.    
  5. Meat - Yes its a bit pricey but shop around and you can find some great deals (make use of your freezer if you buy in bulk!).  If you want to reduce your exposure to antibiotics it makes sense to buy organic here even if you end up using less meat and substitute with more vegetables, lentils, beans etc in the recipe.

The list could go on but a few little changes could make a big difference to your chemical exposure and the environment. :) x

Time for Tea!

A perfect little cup of green goodness.  Green Tea has been prized for centuries throughout China and Japan and it is now becoming a popular drink here in the UK too.  So what is all the fuss about?

Certain compounds in the green leaves such as Catechins, EGCG and Thiamine to name a few are known for their wonderful health boosting benefits.  Check out these top reasons below as to why you should include a few cups into your daily fluid consumption.

  1. Helps fight Inflammation
  2. Boosts fat loss
  3. Helps relieve stress and boost immunity
  4. Reduces muscle soreness and recovery post exercise
  5. Boosts exercise endurance

Feel like giving it a try?  For best results select a good quality Matcha Green Tea (ideally organic) that is made in Japan and not China as some green tea from China contains high amounts of lead. 

A nutritious, body moisturising, face cleansing wonder

Here at RHPT we love coconut oil.  It has an impressive array of nutritious and beauty benefits.



Coconut oil does not produce an insulin spike in your bloodstream after consuming it but does provide you with energy that could help fuel your workouts. It is comprised of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) which are immediately converted by your liver into energy rather than being stored as fat. 

Here's two top ways to use coconut oil:

1. Try eating a small spoonful on its own before a workout or adding it to homemade soups, tea or coffee. We highly recommend using it instead of  vegetable oils for cooking (much healthier alternative as it can withstand higher temperatures without being damaged like other oils). 

2. We also love to use coconut oil as a facial cleanser, pre- shampoo hair conditioner, body moisturiser and a make up remover!  Massage a small amount of coconut oil onto your face and over your eyelids to remove eye make up and simply wipe away using cotton wool pads and there you have it, an inexpensive make up remover, excellent facial cleanser and a moisturiser in one!

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