A nutritious, body moisturising, face cleansing wonder
/Here at RHPT we love coconut oil. It has an impressive array of nutritious and beauty benefits.
Coconut oil does not produce an insulin spike in your bloodstream after consuming it but does provide you with energy that could help fuel your workouts. It is comprised of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) which are immediately converted by your liver into energy rather than being stored as fat.
Here's two top ways to use coconut oil:
1. Try eating a small spoonful on its own before a workout or adding it to homemade soups, tea or coffee. We highly recommend using it instead of vegetable oils for cooking (much healthier alternative as it can withstand higher temperatures without being damaged like other oils).
2. We also love to use coconut oil as a facial cleanser, pre- shampoo hair conditioner, body moisturiser and a make up remover! Massage a small amount of coconut oil onto your face and over your eyelids to remove eye make up and simply wipe away using cotton wool pads and there you have it, an inexpensive make up remover, excellent facial cleanser and a moisturiser in one!