Don't avoid the heavy weights!


Many ladies believe that if they use weights (especially heavier ones) that they will look like men.  Let us put a stop to that thinking right now.

Ladies hormonal make up will simply not allow them to gain huge amounts of muscle.  Testosterone is the hormone responsible for signalling muscle gain and men have up to eight times more than ladies. 

Weight training can help you achieve greater strength in everyday tasks and remain independent into old age and also help you achieve your aesthetic goals, whether that's looking great on the beach for a summer holiday, or amazing in that evening dress!

You wil also find that when you begin to weight train your posture will improve and you may carry yourself differently. Many of Red Hot Personal Training clients have come to us with concerns about using weights and we have addressed these concerns and seen fantastic results even very early on.

So what are you waiting for go and grab those weights and get lifting ladies!

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