Eating out this weekend? You must read this...

With a little bit of knowledge and preparation a meal out can be turned from an unhealthy culinary splurge mostly consisting of impulse driven choices into a healthy and enjoyable meal that leaves you without that bloated, uncomfortable fullness and that post sugar rush from a sugar laden dessert.

An occasional meal out may not cause much of a problem, however if you regularly opt to dine in restaurants or eat ready prepared food out the following tips may be of help to you:

1. Look ahead at the menu.  If you have time, select your choices before you go, looking at the online menu etc, will give you time to make healthier choices in advance.

2. Choose your protein source first. Always choose the protein that will make up the bulk of your meal.  For example chicken , steak, fish etc and then fill up on vegetables to accompany that choice.

3. Ask that no bread be brought to your table before the meal.  Filling up on bread prior to a meal will only add to that bloated feeling later on and leave little room for the healthy protein and vegetables that should form the bulk of your meal.

4. Ask for half portions of carb heavy starches such as potatoes, chips, rice etc. Again, this will help avoid that heavy fullness at the end of the meal and allow more room for the vitamin and mineral rich vegetables.

5. Ask for dressings and sauces to be on the side. A healthy salad can be turned into a sugar laden plate if its drenched in unhealthy dressings.  If the sauces and dressings are on the side you can be the one to decide how much you will add to your food.

6. Opt out of the fried-on-the-side options. These deep fried options cooked in unhealthy vegetable oils are one of the most unhealthy options, so go for those simple options instead that are not fried. 

7. Eat a healthy protein rich snack 1 hour before you go out. Half an apple with some almond nut butter should help curve those cravings and impulse decisions.

8. Skip the sugar laden fizzy drinks or fruit juices. Yes even the so called healthy 'fruit juice' options can be full of sugar.  Go for sparkling water with lemon and lime slices instead.

If you have any tips of your own we would love to hear them.