What can a Personal Trainer do for you?

Lyndsey Slaughter, Red Hot Personal Training

Ladies, how many of us struggle to fit in regular time for personal fitness when we often have many things including family, work and social commitments all competing for our time. Ever driven all the way to a gym and spent an hour wondering around not sure which piece of equipment would be best to use or even how to use them properly.

A Personal Trainer (PT) can be an excellent tool to get you where you want to be, providing that all important encouragement and motivation.  At Red Hot Personal Training we come to your house or even your local park and we bring all the equipment needed for that session. This is all done at a time that suits you, offering you total flexibility and convenience. A PT will develop a programme just for you and your individual needs taking into account your personal fitness and activity levels and your goals. Who has the time to waste on ineffective exercises? A PT will select and teach you how to safely perform specific exercises chosen to maximise effectiveness.  

Red Hot Personal Training does not just strive to improve upon personal fitness, we train the 'whole person' and that includes giving you the tools to improve the 'mind-body' connection as well.